Guidelines for Surviving in the WITH Corona Era、Online lectures by Kyoto University.
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How We Live?Thinking from a Humanities and Sociology Perspective
How to Live in the Age of With Corona,Now that there is a paradigm shift in the way we perceive various things, we want to obtain a "coordinate axis" for thinking--. Kyoto University has implemented an online course, "Stop and Think," in response to the needs of society. We planned, produced, and provided creative direction for this project.
Free online lectures by 11 professors from Kyoto University
In this series, a total of 11 Kyoto University professors give online lectures of about one hour each every Saturday and Sunday on social humanities disciplines such as philosophy, ethics, anthropology, cultural psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and film studies. The lectures are streamed in real-time via YouTube Live and Twitter Live, and anyone can watch them free of charge without registration and participate in the Q&A session through comments. A series of lectures that delve deeply into specialized topics over multiple sessions and relay lectures in which each faculty member delivers straight to the point with recommendations for post-Corona society were offered. In addition, all lectures were archived on a YouTube channel and can be viewed as many times as desired.
A total of 15,600 people participated in real time during the first two days of the program.
The free online lecture by Kyoto University, an attempt to update the state of education, became a hot topic, with a total of 15,600 people participating in real-time over the first two days, and 230,553 views of the lecture archive in the first 45 days of its launch. The event was covered by 119 media outlets, including HuffPost, Mainichi Newspapers, and Kyodo News, and reached 23.46 million people on Twitter, with 19,000 tweets about the online lecture being posted.