Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Company | Launch communication of Acuvue® OASYS with Transitions™

“Acuvue® OASYS with Transitions™” is the world’s first contact lenses which is able to “automatically adjust the amount of light that enters the eyes.” We took charge of the planning and creative of a special movie image and various other communication contents to prepare for the launch in the Japanese market.
We chose a famous Japanese actor Arata Iura, also known as photographer and enthusiastic art lover as a brand character to appear in the special movie image and other key visuals.
The work attempts to express the “adjusts to light” benefit of Acuvue® OASYS Transitions™ in a symbolic manner by portraying Arata Iura in vibrant and lively action with a vision of a “clear and vivid world” free from intrusions of unexpected light and other noise due to light conditions and having him speak about his personal impression of the clear vision in his own words.
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